I'm a Creative Director and Visual Designer based in Dallas, Texas.
Although I'm from Venezuela, I've lived a good chunk of my life abroad.
Although I'm from Venezuela, I've lived a good chunk of my life abroad.

There was a plaza back in my hometown that I used to visit frequently.
I would often meet with friends there, have long winded talks about school, games, life.
I would often meet with friends there, have long winded talks about school, games, life.

It wasn't a particularly nice side of the town, but neighbors took good care of that plaza.
It was also home to a small dedicated space that was used as an Art gallery.

Art has always had a place in my life, in what I do, in what I like.
And although it has shaped most relations and interactions I've had growing up - I don't fancy myself to be an artist. But to like art means to have an unquenching interest in ideas, and therefore to have an interest in people.
Throughout my journey, I've met people from numerous corners of the world, everyone as unique as they come - however, sometimes I do miss my own kind, and my own place.
Throughout my journey, I've met people from numerous corners of the world, everyone as unique as they come - however, sometimes I do miss my own kind, and my own place.

To put this portfolio together meant wanting to showcase my work and pursue strong professional opportunities that fit my experience and proficiencies.
However, I wanted to have a dedicated space to talk about things that are important to me, as a person and maybe as a professional.

So I want you to understand, dear reader, that if we get to speak - you will always have my absolute interest and I will no longer be talking to a complete stranger.